The Tactix Armory Mission
The world is full of people who drift along, taking what they’re given, living lives of compromise and surrender. Our knives are not for those guys. We make knives for the uncommon few.
Serious people demand serious knives. The Tactix Armory™ approach to knives is uncompromising, no frills, function over flavor. In our lineup, you won’t see crazy knives with silly, complicated grinds that look cool but don’t cut. Save those for the kids and the fanboys. In our catalog, you won’t see huge, thick knives with short, steep grinds. That’s a legitimate approach to a knife. (And -- for that matter -- to a crowbar.) It’s just not ours. And you won’t see cheap. Serious comes at a cost.
What you’ll see in the Tactix Armory™ collection are knives that cut, knives designed and built with a laserlike focus on the real life use. Function, durability, comfort – in that order. First and foremost, they’re cutting tools. Not toys. Not jewelry. Not crowbars.
Does that mean they’re fragile? Not hardly. Tactix Armory™ knives are made to stand tall in harsh environments, to hold an edge and yet not be a complete pain in the ass to resharpen. They’re also designed with smooth edges and simple profiles, so that they’ll function, carry and conceal comfortably and easily.
It’s a philosophy that comes out of the life experience of Tactix Armory™ founder, Walter Sorrells. "I want my knife to be there when I need it. And when I need it, I want it to cut. Without compromise, without fail.” He elaborates: “I’ve carried a knife since I was eight years old. Ninety-five percent of the time I’m using it to cut conventional stuff – paper, string, boxes, tape, rope. If a knife can't do that, I don't want it."
Walter is a longtime martial artist, with extensive experience using edged weapons. “The thing you discover really quickly when you have to cut difficult targets is that sharpness matters. Edge geometry matters. Sure, a big, thick blade may withstand a lot of abuse. But most of us are not looking to hammer our knives through a steel door.”
Our knives are made to be used. Every day.
“At Tactix Armory™, we believe that your knife is an expression of your life. It’s made to be with you wherever you go. That means we aim for a form factor that’s comfortable to carry, simple to deploy, easy to use.”
Your knife is an expression of who you are, a statement about why you live the kind of life you do. So why compromise?
Tactix Armory™. It's not just a knife. It's your life.